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October newsletter
Field Notes | ACER Consulting's October Newsletter

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Welcome to the October issue of Field Notes, a newsletter aimed at bringing you the latest insights, research, and news in the field of agriculture, agri-food science, and One Health.
What’s New This Month?
Check out a new Journal of Dairy Science article: Qualitative research in dairy science—A narrative review
This review, co-authored by ACER’s Steve Roche and Julia Saraceni, aims to enhance the accessibility of qualitative research among a range of audiences and specifically: (1) provide an overview of what qualitative research is and the value it can bring to scientific inquiries in the dairy context, (2) illustrate the emergence of qualitative dairy science research in the past 15 to 20 years, (3) outline the role of the researcher and key philosophical assumptions underlying qualitative research, (4) describe qualitative research approaches and methods used in dairy science research, and (5) highlight key aspects of qualitative inquiry used to ensure research trustworthiness.

Congrats to Dr. Dave Renaud for being recognized with a Research Excellence Award!
Dave is one of seven University of Guelph researchers to receive the 2023 Research Excellence Awards, which recognize the exceptional research, training, and knowledge mobilization achievements of recently tenured faculty members.
Resource Round-Up
African Swine Fever (ASF): Raising awareness for small scale producers and pet pig owners
The ASF virus hasn’t yet been reported in Canada, but given the high mortality rates for pigs, awareness and prevention at all scales is critical. That’s why the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA) partnered with our team at ACER to develop a suite of informational resources for pet pig owners and small-scale producers. Check out one example of a pet pig owner infographic below, and visit the OVMA website to access additional resources!

Are there other topics or questions you are interested in?
Email us at [email protected]. We always welcome your questions and feedback!

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